BILLY JOEL's debut album, released in 1971, was titled 'Cold Spring Harbor'.
Why? Because album titles have meaning to the recording artist. So when BILLY JOEL named his first solo album 'Cold Spring Harbor' it was because in the 1960's, as a youth, he would go there with his friends, 'borrow' a rowboat from shore and explore the harbor and 'party'. This picturesque and serene harbor on the north shore of Long Island, N.Y. inspired BILLY JOEL and apparently held a memory he cherished. There's mention of 'Cold Spring Harbor' in a song on this album, 'Everybody Loves You Now'. (Recorded 'live' @ Sparks in 1981) And a recent performance of 'Everybody Loves You Now'. (Recorded 'live' @ MSG in 2019)
 Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y.
Well, as BILLY JOEL became a well known rock legend, the town of Huntington, where Cold Spring Harbor is located, decided in 1991 to dedicate a park there in BILLY JOEL's name.
 The ceremony was attended by Town Board members, onlookers, and BILLY JOEL's mom, Rosalind.
> > > And did you know that another famous musician was so captivated with this area of Long Island, N.Y., that he bought a house on the shores of Cold Spring Harbor? The house was located across from BILLY JOEL park. Care to take a wild guess before scolling down?
None other then, JOHN LENNON! Yep, John Lennon of the Beatles! John Lennon purchased the Cannon Hill estate, located at 1420 Ridge Rd., Laurel Hollow, Long Island, N.Y. in 1979, diagonally across from BILLY JOEL park.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono owned this house on Cold Spring Harbor from 1979 until his untimely death in 1980.
 John loved sailing this harbor, especially with his then young son Sean.

Watch > video (5:29 min) of John, Yoko, friends and son Sean, having brunch at the Cold Spring Harbor estate in May, 1980. And sadly, just seven (7) months later on December 8, 1980, he would be gone. |