Absolutely no one can obtain tickets to the first two rows of a BILLY JOEL concert! Apparently, it enraged Billy to know that his fans were being kept from enjoying his shows at a price he thought was fair, because scalpers and scammers were putting these choice seats out of price range for most people. ''I'd look down and see rich people sitting there, I call 'em 'gold chainers'. Sitting there puffing on a cigar, 'entertain me, piano man'. They don't stand up, make noise, they just sit there with their bouffant haired girlfriend lookin' like a big shot. I kinda got sick of that''. So, Joel decided to do something about it. ''We now hold those tickets, and I send my road crew to the back of the concert venues and they get people from the worst seats, way in the back, and bring 'em to the front rows''. These true fans, ''Make the most noise, they're the most enthusiastic'', he says. BILLY JOEL believes it's given his shows a new sort of energy. |