BILLY JOEL commemorates 14th Anniversary of 9/11 in New York City with Vice President Joe Biden and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Together on this day, they held reverence at the morning ceremony at the 9/11 memorial honoring and remembering the victims, spent time with some of the victim's families and visited Fire Rescue Co. #1, who lost half their members, as first responders, on that tragic day. Photos from 9/11/2015.
 BILLY JOEL and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lead a group of 300 riders participating in the 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride in lower Manhattan on Sept 11, 2015. Photo: Jeremy Bales.
 BILLY JOEL and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
 BILLY JOEL, N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Vice President Joe Biden at the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony.
 BILLY JOEL, N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Vice President Joe Biden with victim's families.
 Police Officers posing with N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo, Vice President Joe Biden and BILLY JOEL in front of the USS Intrepid on New York's west side pier's.
 BILLY JOEL, Vice President Joe Biden and N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo taking shop.
Rescue Co. #1 posing with Vice President Joe Biden, N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo and BILLY JOEL.